Thinking about selling your authentic luxury handbag or designer label clothing?
We recognize there are many easy non-local ways to consign your genuine luxury designer label handbags, shoes and clothes, but keeping it local has so many benefits! Our 30 years of consigning designer label goods and authentic luxury handbags and more offer our consignors very real benefits. Allow me to elaborate!
Know where your consignment goods are – we keep our luxury items visible and local. Furthermore, because we’re a brick and mortar shop that’s open to the public, you can literally see how we showcase your wonderful merchandise, and care for it lovingly, as if it were our own. It’s not sequestered in a warehouse, it’s out there for people to see and touch, and to imagine it in their own lives. At the same time, we carefully safeguard and protect consignment items. It’s a serious decision for our consignors to entrust their authentic designer goods with us and we appreciate your trust. That responsibility is something we assume sincerely.
Our 30 years of excellent customer service and community building has established a strong and loyal customer base. We know our shoppers and what they crave! In addition, we keep an active Wish List, reaching out to our customers who are looking for what you have to sell! Whether you have Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Prada, Hermes, Gucci or Bottega Veneta, we have shoppers who want it!
Many shoppers want to be able to see and touch a handbag, try on a pair of shoes. Our selling technique is not to just churn through luxury goods, we want to find them loving new homes where they’ll be cherished. By not push-selling, we continue to build our loyal fan base, and they come back again and again to see what’s new to add to their collection of authentic resale designer treasures. Our customers trust us, and by being able to see their potential purchases firsthand, we rarely see returns, and only allow those in specific circumstances. Since we know our shoppers personally, we can offer them layaway, allowing them to afford something they might not be able to buy outright in a single payment, which results in more sales.
- Local commitment – we care about doing the best we can for you and can answer questions promptly. Because of our deep local roots, we have a strong interest in keeping our luxury consignors happy-we want you to be back! Relationships are important to us. We love Portland, and support our community by donating and fundraising for local not for profit organizations like Mainspring Portland, The Oregon Humane Society, The Oregon Food Bank, Tinker Camp and many others!
You get some control over pricing. While we want to be realistic about the selling price of your fabulous designer resale handbags and other authentic luxury goods, we’ll always listen to your expectations and thoughts on pricing. We strive to be competitive, and to get you the best price we can attain. We base our pricing on extensive research to find comparable products in the market. Sometimes we can even exceed online market prices based on our knowledge of the local economy and demand.
- Our payouts are comparable. You may think a huge online seller will pay more. But because we need to stay competitive to stay alive, we offer comparable commissions to online resellers. Remember, we live here too, and want your positive word of mouth and reviews to bring us more luxury consignments!
Get your items back if they don’t sell. No shipping needed, just call us to let us know you’re coming in and we’ll return your item in the same condition as when you originally dropped it off.
- Get paid promptly! No waiting for a payout cycle to occur, we pay on demand, anytime after a completed sale. Stop in and ask for a check, anytime we’re open. If you have no items to pick up or for those outside our local market, we’re happy to mail your check.
Support the local economy! Your consignment supports local businesses, and our local economy! You're supporting our employees who shop locally too, and thus our commission continues to filter out into our community. Studies show that $100 spent at local independent businesses generates $68 in local spending, compared to only $48 spent at either a big box store or an out of state online business.
- It’s greener! Less shipping means fewer cardboard boxes and less fuel to transport your consignment items multiple times. It all contributes to a smaller environmental footprint. When we do ship items, we’re committed to using environmentally friendly materials and using the most secure and fully insured methods. Here We Go Again is in the fashion recycling business, and we strive to be a green business in every way possible.
- We strive to survive! You may recall the old Avis ad campaign – “We’re number two, we try harder”. There’s a comparable message from us – we’re smaller, but we put our heart and soul into our business. We care about every sale and every customer. Your support and ongoing luxury consignments keep us going, surviving and THRIVING! Thank you!