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The Best Portland Resale Shop Can Let Your Personality Shine!

Portland Resale Shopping

We’re all multi-faceted people, and that’s a good thing! Here’s how resale shopping can let all the sides of your personality step into the spotlight and shine bright – on a budget!

Resale shopping in Portland

On the wall in our Shoe-La-La room is a small framed print that reads “I can do anything if I have the right shoes!” Very true, but more broadly, also true of what you wear. Nobody wears a cocktail dress to a board meeting, or jeans to present a case in court. Likewise, why wear a blazer and pants to sit on bleachers at a soccer match? It’s all about what’s appropriate to the setting AND to how you feel on a given day.

Perhaps you lean toward a simple dressing style, but occasionally like a bit of bling, or *gasp* even a print or two! Two of the best things about resale shopping in Portland is that you can search many stores at once. Here We Go Again carries consignment clothing for women from dozens or even hundreds of different boutiques. Some designer clothing pieces come from far away, others are from local boutiques. We’ve done the curating for you, to select items we know are of good quality, on trend, fresh and clean and appealing to our local resale shoppers. At multiple points, each item is inspected and approved (or, womp, womp, rejected). Our intake staff are of different ages, styles and interests, so you know a variety of styles that will appeal to diverse shoppers is hand-selected each and every day. Our well-trained staff know that Here We Go Again is represented by every item of women’s resale clothing on our racks, and we want our best foot forward, too! We love clothes, we love style and we love making you look fantastic, regardless of what style of outfit you want to put forward on a given day.

Best resale shop Portland

It’s fun to shift between style influences, and resale shopping is the ideal way to fill your wardrobe with things you love to express all aspects of your personality. Work wear, party wear, weekend casual and everything in between can be found at the best resale shops for substantial savings. Which brings me to the second best thing about consignment shopping: the savings! Because consignment shops typically price items at a healthy discount, you don’t need to commit the amount of a car payment for a single item of clothing. Consignment shopping allows you to finds more and better quality clothing, even high-end designer brands for anywhere from 20-90% Off. Of course, those are the regular prices. When you find the best resale shop, you can also take advantage of seasonal sales, holiday events, rewards programs, coupons, and clearance racks. It’s easy to become addicted to the savings. You might get sticker shock the next time you visit a designer boutique, when you know how much you can save by visiting consignment stores.

portland consignment shop near me

The other advantage to the substantial savings you find in resale shops is you might not feel the guilt. You know the type of guilt I mean – you spent hundreds of dollars on an item of clothing so you feel like you need to keep it forever - even after you’ve moved on from the style. When you’re not invested so deeply, you can recycle and resell items faster before the style moment has passed. Reselling or consigning items you no longer love puts more shopping dollars in your pocket to put towards new acquisitions.

What’s your style personality? We all have a style we gravitate toward most of the time. Other times it’s fun to branch out and go rogue with a style the presents a different aspect of your personality. For example, maybe you’re a jeans and tees kind of woman. No judgement, we all have days where that’s our go-to uniform.  Jogger pants and a sweatshirt? Yep, us too. But there is something theatrical about putting on a different style of clothing. A dress and heels just feels different than sneaks. Different clothing can perk you up, make you smile, add to your confidence level, and let you play around with what side of your personality you want to present to the world. In essence, all clothing is like wearing a costume. We don’t mean that in a jokey Halloween way, but just in the way actors put on different costumes to inhabit different roles.

best resale shop portland

Let your imagination take wing, Portland resale shops allow you a lot of freedom to explore different looks and try new things without blowing the budget. You can toggle between a consignment-sourced look that’s completely romantic and flouncy to a simple monochromatic and architectural outfit. Season is another reason to display different aspects of who you are. A sunny summer day just calls for loose fitting sundresses, palazzo pants or cutoff shorts! The crispness in the air might call for some wonderful women’s consignment fleece jackets, vests or perhaps some luxury consignment piece like a designer resale cashmere sweater.

designer resale Portland

Whatever your style, age, budget or personality traits, resale shopping is a great way to express yourself. If you have a desire to change up your look, our style-conscious helpful resale boutique staff can even help you accomplish it. Our experience allows us to help you browse Here We Go Again’s consignment shop and suggest resale clothing and outfits you might not choose for yourself. Everyone’s short on time these days, so there’s no need to make a big time commitment. Once we get to know your likes and dislikes, we can assemble a collection of great women’s resale clothing to get you started. Call us in advance and we’ll curate a selection just for you!

There’s never any pressure, we want you to end up with outfits you love and wear frequently. If we’re swinging too wide of your comfort zone, you can steer us back onto the right path. And of course, when you’re happy with your new duds, you’re more likely to tell others about us. That gets us more terrific consignments in the door and more shoppers! Our goal is always to have you leave our resale boutique excited to try something a bit new to you and explore ways to use clothing creatively to express all the sides of your personality. Let your style shine - the best Portland Resale Shop can show you how!

Let your best Portland resale shopping style shine
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